Custom Domain Name (DNS Method)

How to Assign your own Custom Domain Name

Digital PTO offers the ability to use your own domain name when you are a member of a Basic or higher Plan. This allows your website to be accessed not only from your original address ( but also from a custom domain like

This method changes your DNS NAME SERVERS. If you do not have a reason to use this method, we would suggest using our BEST METHOD LOCATED HERE.

Please Note: Domain names are registered with a third party provider of your choice and are not a part of Digital PTO. Once you have registered a domain name, we will teach you how to “point” it to us.


If you currently have custom email associated with your Domain Name, please click here for alternate instructions on how to assign only your website to Digital PTO and retain your custom email addresses. Note that Digital PTO does not provide emails for your custom domain, this is handled typically by your registar company.

Important Info: If you are planning on using custom email with your online forms, please note that many registrars (godaddy, network solutions, etc) will block emails being sent from the same domain as the email address. WE HIGHLY SUGGEST that you use an outside account (Gmail is our favorite) for receiving form submissions. We do not support form submissions to email addresses that are associated with your domain.

Step 1: Purchasing a Domain Name


If you have not yet registered a domain name for your PTA/PTO, that will be the first step for you. You can use any domain name registrar online, but if you need a suggestion, we like

Please continue to read this before you purchase your domain name. Also, please remember that you do not need to add hosting, we provide that for you at no charge.

Step 2: Set your Name Servers

Every registrar handles this a little differently so we don’t have a specific image to show you. You want to look for the option to Modify your Name Servers within your domain control panel. Once you have found that section open up the page.

Step 3: Enter the Digital PTO DNS Server Names

Now you need to enter the Digital PTO Server Names. This will tell your domain where to point.

Enter the following two NameServers:

Be sure to SAVE/UPDATE your settings.

If you are using custom email already with your domain, do not follow this step. See the instructions above for details.

Step 4: Assign your Domain to your Site


One your name servers are pointing to the right server, you can add your domain name to your site. Click on TOOLS > DOMAIN MAPPING and enter the domain you have pointed to the Digital PTO servers. Be sure to click ADD to save your new domain name.

Note: At this point your website might not load for a short period of time. Please be aware of this.

Step 5: Complete the Domain Assignment Form

IMPORTANT!!!!!! Once you have completed all of the steps above, the final step is to fill out the Domain Assignment Request form. This will notify us that you are ready for us to add your domain on the back end of our servers.

FILL OUT THIS FORM to Complete your Domain Mapping on our end.


Important Info: Your website will be unavailable to the public (or to you) during the domain name assignment period, so please plan accordingly. The best time to map a domain is morning or afternoon. Domains are mapped by hand on our end. Domain forms that are submitted during non work hours will be handled immediately on the following business day.

If you need to reactivate your site, you can delete the domain name you added under TOOLS > DOMAIN MAPPING and your site will be accessible.