Google Document Embedder

Google Doc Embedded (GDE) Plugin Settings

This Plug In Has Been Retired. Please start using the EMBED ANY DOCUMENT plugin as a much better alternative.

The Google Doc Embedder Plugin is preinstalled on all Basic, Premium and Premium Plus Websites. This plugin allows you to display a PDF document (newsletters etc) directly on your website. It is extremely simple to use. You will upload your document to the website, then simply add a small piece of code and your document is ready to go. Your users can then view a pdf document directly on your website without the need to download.

Please Note: You must convert your documents to a PDF before they can be used with this Plugin.

How to use the GDE Plugin


If you would like to embed a document directly into your website like a PTA Newsletter, etc, it is very simple to do. The code to embed a document is as follows:

[ gview file=”” ] ! Note: Please remove extra spacing around brackets – this is for display purposes only.

Step 1: Access the Media Files


Click on the MEDIA LIBRARY link under the MEDIA Menu

Step 2: Click ADD NEW to upload a New Document


Click the ADD NEW link in the Media Menu or the ADD MEW Link at the top of the page.

Step 3: Click SELECT FILES


Click the SELECT FILES button to locate the PDF you wish to upload on your computer’s hard drive. Find the file and click the “Open/Insert” action button that your computer prompts you with. Alternatively, you can also drag a PDF file from one of your computer’s folders directly into the upload space. This will also trigger the upload.

Step 4: Click the EDIT link next to your PDF


Once your PDF uploads, you will see an EDIT link to the right of your PDF’s name. Click that to open the edit interface.

Step 5: Copy the File URL


When the editing interface opens, you will see a field for the FILE URL to the right side in the Save Options. You will need to copy that complete url. The easiest way to do this on most computers is to tripple click on the URL string and it will highlight the entire URL. Now COPY the url.

Step 6: Paste the URL in Page/Post


Go to the Page or the Post that you want to add the document to and click where you would like to paste the document. Go ahead and past the URL of the document there.

IMPORTANT: Your Link should NOT be blue (or an actual hyperlink). It should just be text.

Step 7: Add the Google Embed Code


To turn your plain link into an embedded document, we need to add some code before and after the document’s URL.

Paste [ gview file=” before the URL (please remove extra space between “[ “and “gview” – we have to add that so it doesn’t embed on this actual page.

Paste “] after the URL

Step 8: Save your Page/Post


After you have finished be sure to PUBLISH or UPDATE your Post or Page.

Trouble Shooting Google Doc Embedder Settings


In rare cases you may see a warning that says you need to re-active GDE. This can happen when the plugin is upgraded to a newer version. If you are not seeing your embedded docs, try going to PLUGINS > ALL PLUGINS and then click the DeActivate Link next to the Google Doc Embedder. Once the Page re-loads, click the ACTIVATE Button. Now check your documents to see if they are working.

The Google Doc Embedder Settings


The Google Doc Embedder Settings are found under SETTINGS > GDE SETTINGS. It is important to note that the Viewer Mode MUST be set to Standard Viewer to function properly. We would highly suggest leaving all settings as they are as this plugin can be tricky on some themes. We have set it up in the most compatible mode for all themes. You can play around though, just be sure to check your embedded documents pages to ensure things are still working after you adjust settings.