Custom Background Image

Some of our themes offer the ability to upload a custom background to your website.



In the Admin Editor, go to APPEARANCE > BACKGROUND to access the custom background settings.

Your Current Background


If you have a background already set on your site, you will see a preview of the background at the top of the page. If you do not have a background set (as in the case with the sample image) you will see a blank box or possibly a default background in the space toward the top.

Selecting a background Image


To select an image from your computer, click the CHOOSE FILE button and then select the file you wish to upload. Once you have selected your file, click the UPLOAD button. Note, if you already have your image uploaded to your website you can click the CHOOSE IMAGE button a little lower down and then pick the image from your media library.

Display Options


Once your image uploads, you will be presented with some display options. In most cases, the default values (Position Left, Repeat Tile and Attachment Scroll work great. Feel free to test out all the options. If you have a single image background that’s large enough, it’s also fun to try the Left, No Repeat, Fixed settings as well.

Background Color


If your theme supports background color changes, you will see an option for changing the background color on the options screen. The background color can serve two purposes. 1) If you do not have a background image, the background color defines the background. and 2) if your background image doesn’t load properly for some reason, the background color will take over, so it’s a good thing to set just in case.

Save and Review

Once you save your changes (blue SAVE CHANGES button), you should go to your live website and verify that you like the way the background looks. If you need to edit it, head back to APPEARANCE > BACKGROUND and continue to fine tune your settings.